Di seguito si riportano le sei domande poste ai partecipanti del Webinar
Domanda 2
Domanda 3
Domanda 4
Domanda 5
Domanda 6
Prof. Stefano Zambon, University of Ferrara, Department of Economics and Management, and Conference Co-Chair
Prof. Salvatore Cuzzocrea, Rector, University of Messina
Prof. Daniela Rupo, University of Messina, Department of Economics, and Conference Co-Chair
Prof. Michele Pizzo, President, Italian Academy of Business Economics (AIDEA)
Prof. Alessandro Lai, President, Italian Foundation for Business Reporting (O.I.B.R.)
Mario Abela Chair, WICI Global Network
Patrick de Cambourg, Chair, Sustainability Reporting Board, EFRAG, and former Chairman, European PTF-ESRS, EFRAG
Sven Gentner, Head of Unit “Corporate reporting, audit and credit rating agencies”, Directorate General FISMA, European Commission
Janine Guillot, Special Advisor to the ISSB Chair, IFRS Foundation, and former CEO, Value Reporting Foundation
Eelco van der Enden, CEO, GRI
Chair: Stefano Zambon, University of Ferrara, and Conference Co-Chair
Prof. Janice Denoncourt (Nottingham Trent University), Prof. Clemence Garcìa (Gakushuin University, Tokyo), and Prof. Stefano Zambon (University of Ferrara)
co-chaired by Prof. Lino Cinquini, Chair, Scientific Committee, O.I.B.R. Foundation, and Advanced School Sant’Anna of Pisa, and Prof. Maria Serena Chiucchi, Vice-Chair, Scientific Committee, O.I.B.R. Foundation, and Polytechnic University of Marche. Corporate panellist: Aspiag Service srl
Mario Abela Director of Methodology at the Value Balancing Alliance (VBA), and IÉSEG Business School, Lille-Paris
Ethan Rouen Co-Chair of the “Impact-Weighted Accounts” (IWA) Project, Harvard Business School
Feng Gu (UB School of Management, University at Buffalo, & co-author of the book “The End of Accounting”, 2016)
Charl de Villiers (University of Auckland, NZ, and co-editor of the “Handbook of Integrated Reporting”, 2020)
Laura Girella (Technical Specialist “Integrated Reporting and Connectivity”, IFRS Foundation, and University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
Giovanni Giuseppe Coci (Partner, Head of Catania and Palermo Offices, KPMG)
Marco Maffei (Partner, Head, Business Unit ”Global Sustainability Services”, KPMG, and O.I.B.R. Foundation)
Chair: Alessandro Lai (President, O.I.B.R. Foundation, and University of Verona)
Scarica il programma dell’evento
Webinar “Informazioni non finanziarie per gli adeguati assetti e per la previsione delle crisi nelle PMI”, 04.07.2022
Webinar “Better information on intangibles – Which is the best way to go?”, 15.06.2022
00:01:31 – Saluti iniziali di Francesco Pizzagalli
00:07:00 – Intervento di Stefano Zambon
00:36:02 – Intervento di Laura Girella
00:58:18 – Intervento di Giuseppe Zammarchi
01:17:40 – Intervento di Monica Malavasi
01:20:13 – Conclusioni di Francesco Pizzagalli
Scarica il programma dell’Evento