17 October 2024, 16:00-18:30, (hybrid format)
In a stakeholder oriented economy, such as that we are facing today, impact is the key concept to assess the results of the environmental, social and governance efforts a company on its journey to sustainable value creation. However, the measurement of corporate ESG impacts is not simple not least because it is expressed according to various metrics (tons, percentages, qualitative scales, etc.), this creating some difficulties in the reading and comparison through space of corporate performance valuation.
In this respect, since a few years there have been increasing attempts to change the measurement basis of some impacts in the direction of “translating” them into financial values. This approach could facilitate a great deal the interpretation of sustainability impacts and performances made by companies, generating also a natural bridge with financial numbers and results and, ultimately, the analysts and the stock exchanges universal language.
The O.I.B.R.-VBA International Seminar aims to illustrate and analyse these new monetization methodologies and their possibility of turning ESG data points into decision relevant information for sustainable value creation to the benefit of managers, investors and analysts by presenting also case studies of companies that are already moving along this innovative and crucial path for the development of sustainability and its understanding and (e)valuation
16:00 Opening, welcome and introduction
Prof. Dr Alessandro Lai, President, Italian Foundation for Business Reporting (O.I.B.R.), and University of Verona
Prof. Dr Matteo Pedrini, Director, ALTIS Graduate School of Sustainable Management, Catholic University, Milan
16:10 The impact revolution
Sir Ronald Cohen, President, GSG Impact
16.20 Impact Accounting in practice and EU regulation
Christian Heller, CEO, Value Balancing Alliance (VBA)
16.40 Use Case regulation: The Double Materiality Assessment
16.55 Use Case disclosure: Integrated Profit & Loss statement
17.10 Monetizing Impacts and the O.I.B.R. view: some methodological pinpoints on performance measurement
Prof. Dr Lino Cinquini, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, and Prof. Dr Maria Serena Chiucchi, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona
17.30 Performance measurement and Decision Making Experiences of Italian companies
Despar North, Poste Italiane, Ferrovie dello Stato (tbc)
18.10 Q&A and Final Statements of Presenters
18.25 Wrap up and conclusive remarks
Christian Heller, CEO, Value Balancing Alliance (VBA)
Stefano Zambon, Secretary General, Italian Foundation for Business Reporting (O.I.B.R.), and University of Ferrara